Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Julius Caesar 08/07/09

Aim: to identify who Julius Caesar was and to understand his impact on the world.
Starter: Answer the following questions? Take an educated guess if you are not sure.

1.Who was Julius Caesar?
2.Why is he so famous?
3.How do we know so much about him?

Extension: list any other things you KNOW about Julius Caesar.

•Watch the following film clip.
•Be able to answer all 3 questions from your starter to a higher level.
•You must complete this for homework if not finished in class. Due Monday 13/07/09 (last lesson Lesson :( )

Gaius Julius Caesar

DOB: 102 BC (might have been 2-3 years later)

Died: 15th of March 44BC (Ides of March)

§Came from a noble family, although they lost most of their money.
§Was in the army when he was young.
§Became skilled in speaking to the pubilc.
§Captured by pirates!
§68BC he gained political power.
§60BC upon returning to Rome was appointed by Pompey to share the government of the Roman empire.
§58-49BC he became Governor of Gaul (France) and is responsible for France being as large as it is today.
§55BC invaded Britain and again in 54BC however abandoned this as he was needed back in Gaul.

Mean while back in Rome. . .
Pompey had taken total control
Rome was on the verge of civil war.
Caesar and his loyal army marched on Rome and defeated Pompey.
He then fought other battles in Egypt, Asia, Africa and Spain before he was convinced that he had the Empire under his control.
46BC Caesar returned to Rome in triumph
Although was loved by most of Rome, some people thought that Caesar had too much power and plotted to kill him.
His wife had a dream that he was murdered and tried to stop him from going to the Senate.
He was stabbed by his fellow friends so violently that they even cut themselves as well.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

History in Film

Aim: To use the film Spartacus to find out about the Romans.
Starter: Today we are going to be watching a extracts from the film Spartacus to find out about Roman life.

Write down one reason why Hollywood films are useful for finding out about the past and one reason why they aren't useful. (can you explain your reasons for Level 5)

*Useful = Helpful

On your sheets, complie a list of specific evidence that this film is useful and not useful in helping us to learn about Roman life.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Personal History

Aim: to write a personal History
Starter: Write down 5 events from your life
Can you also remember what dates they happened?
Can you put these into CHRONOLOGICAL Order?

What is ‘My Personal History’

•It is a historical record of someone’s life.
•Everyone has something interesting to tell.
•It is something very unique and personal and it also a contribution to the history of the world we live in today.

Task (Start in class and complete for 10/06/09):
1.To write a page about YOUR Personal History
2.You must try to include at least 2 different events.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009


The Black Death in Sources
Another Revision Lesson - Wow you lot should do well on your assessment next lesson!
Aim: I can understand what I need to include in my assessment and how to achieve my target grade.

STARTER: Complete these sentences
1)Many people thought the plague was caused by………
2) The real cause of the plague was…..
3) One symptom of the black death is…
TASK 1: Answer the following Questions

1) What symptom of the plague can you see here? (use a keyword!)

2) What does this source tell you about what people thought caused the plague?

3) What does this source tell you about what we now know about what caused the plague?

4) Name two reasons this peasant was angry after the Black Death?

5) Look the sources below. Which do you think is most useful for finding out about the Black Death? Explain why.
Source A
Source B

Source C

What does this depend on?
Your own knowledge?
What question you are asking? –cause, symptom, what people believed at the time?

6) Can you list some negative consequences of the Black Death?
7)Can you list some positive consequences of the Black Death?
Level 3:
•I can give one symptom of the Black Death
•I can describe a source
•I can describe a cause and consequence of the Black Death
Level 4:
•I know some symptoms of the Black Death
•I can describe several examples of what peasant’s thought caused the Black Death
•I can give examples of things that have changed or stayed the same because of the Black Death
•I can give some links between causes and consequences of the Black Death
Level 5:
•I can explain what actually caused the Black Death
•I can explain the consequences of the Black Death
•I can give reasons why some sources may be more useful than others
•I can compare one source to another
Level 6
•I can demonstrate understanding of different interpretations of the Black Death and give reasons for this
•I can explain why one source may be more useful than another
•I can categorise causes and consequences


23/03/09 Black Death Revision Lesson

TASK: First copy all 7 questions into your books. Second, begin to answer each question.
Remember your levels- Level 5 Explain, Level 4 Describe, Level 3 List

1. What year did the Black Death come to England?
2. What are the symptoms of the Black Death?
3. What did the Peasants believe caused the Black Death?
4. What do scientists say today, caused the Black Death?
5. In what country did the Black Death originate (start)?
6. How did the Black Death spread?
7. List 4 good & 4 bad results of the Black Death.

A1. 1348

• Shaking/ failure of nervous system
• Buboes / Buboes exploding
• Being sick
• Temperature
• Dying
• Rash under the skin

• The evil planets of Saturn and Mars giving off a bad smell.
• The Jews Poisoning the drinking water.
• A punishment from god.
• The smell from the Buboes when they burst.

Fleas carried the disease in their stomachs. They lived on rats. When the rat died the flea would move to live on a human. The flea bit the human, giving them the disease.


The plague was spread by rats or people carrying the infected fleas.

Peasant were paid more money.
Peasants had more freedom to move around.
Peasants didn’t have to do their labour services any more.
Peasants had more power.
Lots of people had died- people were grieving for their families and friends
Many villages rotted leaving remaining peasants homeless and wandering
There were not enough peasants to farm the land- many went hungry.
People were very fearful that the plague would strike again

Reminder: The ASSESSMENT is on Monday 30/03/09 period 5!

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

16/03 & 18/03

18/03/09 Was the Black Death a Disaster?

Aim: To understand how the black death changed the lives of medieval peasants

Key words: Consequences- things which happen as a result of an event (eg The Black Death)

So far we have ____________ the causes and experiences of the ___________. But how did England ______ as a result? Some people think that the Black Death was a ________ simply because it ______ so many people. Others believe there were some ________ outcomes also.
Word Bank
positive Black Death killed
change investigated disaster

Extension: Can you think how England might have changed after the black death?

Task 1:
Each of you were given a worksheet, it explains some of the effects of the Black Death on the lives of peasants in England.
1.Sort the changes into positive and negative consequences for the peasants.
2. Colour the positive consequences in one colour and the negative ones in another.

1. Do you think the Black death was a disaster for peasants a) in the long term? b) in the short term?
2. What was the most important change to peasants lives?
3. Do you think the Black Death was a good thing for the lords and land owners?

Assessment Monday 30/03/09 (write this in your diaries)

Revision/Extension web sites:

16/03/09 What caused the Black Death?

AIM: To understand what people at the time believed caused the Black Death
Keywords – preventions: things you can do to help avoid catching a disease

Starter: In your books write your answer to the following two questions, based on source A (on worksheet).

1) Can you explain what this picture has to do with the Black Death?
2) How does this picture help you to understand why people, at the time, didn’t link the Black Death to fleas?

Source A: A flea as seen through a microscope

TASK 1: What did people at the time believe could CAUSE and PREVENT the plague? (Worksheet, colouring pencils and glue sticks will be needed)

On your work sheet with speech bubbles you will:

1) YOU MUST ALL: Create a colour key, showing one colour representing causes and another colour to represent preventions. Colour the causes of the plague one colour. Then colour the preventions (ways people believed they could prevent the plague) in another colour.

2) MOST OF YOU SHOULD: Use lines to connect the causes of the plague with the things people did to prevent it.

3) SOME OF YOU COULD: have a go at the extension - Why do you think some people believed that things such as God, the Jews or bad smells caused the Black Death?
Homework: answer the following 2 questions due Wed. 18/03/09
Use the sentence starters if you like

Homework: answer the following 2 questions due Wed. 18/03/09
Use the sentence starters if you like.

1. Some people thought that the Black Death was caused by bad smells. Was this true? Why?

Some people thought that the Black Death was caused by bad smells because …………

2. What could scientists today have recommended people did to prevent catching the plague?

Scientists today would have recommended that people in the 1300’s ………………………..

Level 5
EXPLAIN telling why something is the way it is

Level 4
DESCRIBE telling why people do things, how something happened, etc

Level 3

Thursday, 12 March 2009


What caused the Black Death ?

Aim: To understand what scientists today believe caused the black death.
Key Words: Theory- Someone’s idea about how something works or happens.

Starter: Which of the following were symptoms of the black death? ( and which did I make up) 1.Your nose turned green
2.Lumps called Buboes swelled on your bodies
3.You vomited and had a fever
4.Your toes could drop off
5.You died after the Buboes exploded black slime

Today scientists agree on the causes of the Black death. We are going to look at their THEORY.

Either: Follow your story board. For each step in the process draw a quick pencil sketch illustration.
Or: Create your own story board. Use six steps to explain how scientists today believe the plague spread to England.

Extension: How would knowing about germs have helped people avoid catching the plague?

How the Plague spread through Britain
Draw a quick pencil picture to show what is happening.

1. The Plague was caused by microscopic germs which lived in the bodies of fleas.

2. Fleas lived in the hair of Black Rats.

3. Rats carrying such fleas were brought to England by a French boat in June 1348.

4. The Bubonic plague lived in the stomachs of fleas. When the rats died the fleas moved to Humans.

5. People in 1348 didn’t know about germs. They didn’t keep clean so often had fleas. Once bitten by a flea carrying the plague, the person would die.

6. By 1850, nearly half of all the people in England had died.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009


Luttrell Psalter

Aim: To use pictures from the Luttrell Psalter to find out about peasants’ lives.
Starter: Copy both columns and draw a line to match column 1 with column 2 connecting the information to the source or sources in which it could be found.

Column 1
What peasants ate.
The work peasants did.
What villages were like.

Column 2
Aerial Photograph

The Luttrell Psalter:
  • Illustrated in the early 1300s.

  • These pictures show what daily life was like in medieval times.

  • There are 309 illustrations in all, commissioned by Sir Geoffrey Luttrell to show daily life on his estate.

You will be shown pictures from the Luttrell Psalter.
You have three minutes to look at each one.
In each picture write/describe:
What tools are being used?
What jobs are the peasants doing?

Here are 3 of our 6 slides....


Peasents in Pictures

Aim: To use aerial photographs and Artefacts to further investigate the lives of peasants.

Key Word: Utility – How useful (helpful) a source is for answering a question about the past.

First we drew a picture in our books, of what we would imagine a peasant farmer would have looked like.

We can use artifacts:
We looked at 5 artefacts and described what we thought each object is or might have been used for?

Level 5 – ‘ I can give reasons why a source is more or less useful.’

Put three types of sources we have studied so far from the least to the most useful. (sources - Ariel photographs, skeletons, artefacts)
Explain your reasoning in your book.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009


The Peasants

Complete the following from the words below:
We are going to _ _ _ _ _ ‘ordinary’ people.
Most _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ could not _ _ _ _ or _ _ _ _.
People thought that peasants’ _ _ _ _ _ were _ _ _ _ _ _
and not important. So it is hard to _ _ _ _ out about peasants.


Extension: Can you think of any ways we could find out about peasants’ lives?

Most of the land in the village belonged to the lord of the manor. The lord kept some of the land for his own crops; this was called his demesne.
The rest of his land was let to the villagers.
The fields were divided into strips. This was so that everyone had a fair share of the good and bad land.

What can’t we learn about peasants lives from looking at a skeleton?
Explain your answer in your book.

Task 2:
Draw a skeleton in the middle of your worksheet.
Connect the shaded boxes to the correct part of the skeleton.
Connect the boxes saying what we can work out from the skeleton to the correct shaded box.
Extension: What can’t we learn about peasants lives from looking at a skeleton? Explain your answer in your book.

Homework due Monday 02/03/09
Answer the following 3 questions on a white piece of A4

1. What have we learnt about peasants’ lives so far?
2. What is the most interesting thing we have learnt?
3. Which was the most useful source?


Today we did some Housekeeping and Brainstorming.

Topics we have learned about:

•Battle of Hastings
•Norman Control
•King Henry II & Thomas Becket
•King John

Topics we will learn about:

Peasants Black Death
The Crusades The Romans

Task 1 - Create a mind map of any words related to our upcoming topics:
Black Death
The Crusades
The Romans

Sample Mind from earlier in the year

Housekeeping - History Books

•Paste all worksheets with the appropriate lesson e.g. Lesson on ‘Was Mr. Collins a good principal?’ must have worksheet pasted near it.
•All tables/lists must have titles
•NO GRAPHING in your books/sheets
•When you are answering a question you must do one of two things:
1.Write out the question then the answer.
2.Include your question in your answer so that it is clear to the reader what your purpose was.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Last lesson before break

On Monday we studied what King John was really like and why the Barons were so angry with him. We were introduced to Magna Carta...

In 1215 the Barons forced King John to sign a list or rules called the ‘ MAGNA CARTA’. He knew if he didn’t sign they would probably want to fight him for his throne

1.The King must not interfere with the English church.
2.Stop unfair taxes and not to raise taxes
3.The King must not demand taxes without the agreement of the Barons.
4.No one can be imprisoned without a fair trial
5.All foreign mercenary soldiers must leave the country
6.25 Barons will make sure the King sticks to the Magna Carta. If he doesn’t , they can punish him.

In class we studied the following questions:
1. Which of these rules do you think King John liked the least?
2. Which of these rules is still important today?
3 . The Magna Carta was the first time a King had signed away any of his power.
Why do you think this was so important in English History ?

NO homework assigned!

Have a lovely break :)

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

04/02/09 First Post!

Today's lesson was on King John and his Barons.

We were asked to:

1.Read the story strip on pages 107-109 and fill in the
last column (on your handout) with evidence about
John’s successes and failures in each category.

2.Decide whether you agree with us about how
the barons would score King John. Change any
that you think are too high or too low.

What should a king do? Score out of 10 (as awarded by Barons)

1. Look rich and powerful to impress your people 8

2. Win the support and trust of the Barons and listen to their advise 1

3. Lead the army, win wars and keep your land 0

4. Raise taxes fairly , in the same way as kings before you 0

5. Stamp out crime and keep order in the country 5

6. Support the church 2

HOMEWORK: Which three jobs listed do you think mattered most to the barons? Explain why you chose them. due Mon. 09/01/09

1. Look rich and powerful to impress your people
2. Win the support and trust of the Barons and listen to their advise
3. Lead the army, win wars and keep your land
4. Raise taxes fairly
5. Stamp out crime and keep order in the country
6. Support the church
7. Have sons so there will be no disputes over who should be the next king