Topics we have learned about:
•Battle of Hastings
•Norman Control
•King Henry II & Thomas Becket
•King John
Topics we will learn about:
Peasants Black Death
The Crusades The Romans
Task 1 - Create a mind map of any words related to our upcoming topics:
Black Death
The Crusades
The Romans
Sample Mind from earlier in the year

Housekeeping - History Books
•Paste all worksheets with the appropriate lesson e.g. Lesson on ‘Was Mr. Collins a good principal?’ must have worksheet pasted near it.
•All tables/lists must have titles
•NO GRAPHING in your books/sheets
•When you are answering a question you must do one of two things:
1.Write out the question then the answer.
2.Include your question in your answer so that it is clear to the reader what your purpose was.
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