Aim: To understand how the black death changed the lives of medieval peasants
Key words: Consequences- things which happen as a result of an event (eg The Black Death)
So far we have ____________ the causes and experiences of the ___________. But how did England ______ as a result? Some people think that the Black Death was a ________ simply because it ______ so many people. Others believe there were some ________ outcomes also.
Word Bank
positive Black Death killed
change investigated disaster
Extension: Can you think how England might have changed after the black death?
Task 1:
Each of you were given a worksheet, it explains some of the effects of the Black Death on the lives of peasants in England.
1.Sort the changes into positive and negative consequences for the peasants.
2. Colour the positive consequences in one colour and the negative ones in another.
1. Do you think the Black death was a disaster for peasants a) in the long term? b) in the short term?
2. What was the most important change to peasants lives?
3. Do you think the Black Death was a good thing for the lords and land owners?
Assessment Monday 30/03/09 (write this in your diaries)
Revision/Extension web sites:
16/03/09 What caused the Black Death?
AIM: To understand what people at the time believed caused the Black Death
Keywords – preventions: things you can do to help avoid catching a disease
Starter: In your books write your answer to the following two questions, based on source A (on worksheet).
1) Can you explain what this picture has to do with the Black Death?
2) How does this picture help you to understand why people, at the time, didn’t link the Black Death to fleas?
Source A: A flea as seen through a microscope

AIM: To understand what people at the time believed caused the Black Death
Keywords – preventions: things you can do to help avoid catching a disease
Starter: In your books write your answer to the following two questions, based on source A (on worksheet).
1) Can you explain what this picture has to do with the Black Death?
2) How does this picture help you to understand why people, at the time, didn’t link the Black Death to fleas?
Source A: A flea as seen through a microscope

TASK 1: What did people at the time believe could CAUSE and PREVENT the plague? (Worksheet, colouring pencils and glue sticks will be needed)
On your work sheet with speech bubbles you will:
1) YOU MUST ALL: Create a colour key, showing one colour representing causes and another colour to represent preventions. Colour the causes of the plague one colour. Then colour the preventions (ways people believed they could prevent the plague) in another colour.
2) MOST OF YOU SHOULD: Use lines to connect the causes of the plague with the things people did to prevent it.
3) SOME OF YOU COULD: have a go at the extension - Why do you think some people believed that things such as God, the Jews or bad smells caused the Black Death?
Homework: answer the following 2 questions due Wed. 18/03/09
Use the sentence starters if you like
Homework: answer the following 2 questions due Wed. 18/03/09
Use the sentence starters if you like.
On your work sheet with speech bubbles you will:
1) YOU MUST ALL: Create a colour key, showing one colour representing causes and another colour to represent preventions. Colour the causes of the plague one colour. Then colour the preventions (ways people believed they could prevent the plague) in another colour.
2) MOST OF YOU SHOULD: Use lines to connect the causes of the plague with the things people did to prevent it.
3) SOME OF YOU COULD: have a go at the extension - Why do you think some people believed that things such as God, the Jews or bad smells caused the Black Death?
Homework: answer the following 2 questions due Wed. 18/03/09
Use the sentence starters if you like
Homework: answer the following 2 questions due Wed. 18/03/09
Use the sentence starters if you like.
1. Some people thought that the Black Death was caused by bad smells. Was this true? Why?
Some people thought that the Black Death was caused by bad smells because …………
2. What could scientists today have recommended people did to prevent catching the plague?
Scientists today would have recommended that people in the 1300’s ………………………..
Level 5
EXPLAIN telling why something is the way it is
Some people thought that the Black Death was caused by bad smells because …………
2. What could scientists today have recommended people did to prevent catching the plague?
Scientists today would have recommended that people in the 1300’s ………………………..
Level 5
EXPLAIN telling why something is the way it is
Level 4
DESCRIBE telling why people do things, how something happened, etc
DESCRIBE telling why people do things, how something happened, etc
Level 3
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